At Four Brothers, we strive to deliver a top of the line end product, and to provide the highest level of customer service along the way. Throw in the fact that a large number of our new leads originate from client referrals, and it becomes clear why maintaining happy customers is our top priority.


A design/build firm such as ours has many advantages over the traditional Architect/Contractor relationship, not the least of which is the fact that the design phase can often take as long or longer than the actual construction portion of a project. (The average kitchen design – when you consider cabinet lead times – takes anywhere from three to six months.) Although the design phase is typically rigorous, with considerable participation required from the homeowner, it is a relatively un-intrusive process that presents limited disruption to daily routines. This gives us a three-plus month period to demonstrate our level of commitment, attention to detail, and willingness to go above and beyond to deliver a stellar product and level of service. In essence, we are able to build up a reservoir of good will before the swing of the first hammer. Contractors who go into a project cold do not have this same luxury.


Once the actual construction phase begins, the dynamic can change quickly. Anyone who has undergone a remodeling project or home renovation, can surely attest to the stress that is involved once you turn two of your most prized possessions (your home and money) over to a third party. Add in the fact that a crew of relative strangers (the design and production teams are not one and the same) is in your home for eight hours per day while you are off at work, and tensions can arise quickly.


Because we recognize the sensitivity of his situation, Four Brothers goes above and beyond to make the construction phase as pleasant as possible. We structure our working hours around the homeowners schedule, maintain a safe and organized jobsite, and clean up thoroughly at the end of each day. Most importantly, every job is run by one of our trusted Lead Carpenters, who is always the first person on site in the morning, and the last to leave in the evening, and is available throughout the day via email, text, or a phone call.


Despite our best efforts, there are times when things slip through the cracks and we overlook something important to a particular customer. Therefore, we regularly ask our clients to grade our performance. We want to know what our production team is doing well, in addition to the areas in which we can make improvements. We do this by emailing an evaluation survey to each client at regular intervals during the project. An example of one of these surveys as filled out by a client currently undergoing a kitchen remodel is shown below. As you’ll see, to date the customer is thrilled with our performance!


We have been so thrilled so far. The lead carpenter has gone above and beyond, this week fixing a leak in our roof for us that was not really part of the job…he is personable, professional, courteous and so tidy. I love walking in each evening to see what has been accomplished but at this early stage it’s hard to understand if we are on pace or not, but I’m not concerned so far! Thanks for everything and hope this level continues.

1.  How satisfied are you with the quality of work and craftsmanship that has been displayed on your project to-date?

 Very Satisfied  Satisfied  Neutral  Dissatisfied  Very Dissatisfied


2.  Do the Four Brothers on-site personnel arrive in a timely fashion each morning?

 Always  Most of the time  Sometimes  Never


3.  Do you feel that your input is requested and valued as the project is progressing?

 Always  Most of the time  Sometimes  Never


4.  How happy are you with the professionalism displayed by the Four Brothers on-site personnel and trade partners?

 Very Happy  Happy  Neutral  Unhappy  Very Unhappy


5.  How satisfied are you with our job-site cleanliness and management?

 Very satisfied  Satisfied  Neutral  Dissatisfied  Very Dissatisfied


6.  Are you happy with the pace at which the project is progressing?

 Very Satisfied  Satisfied  Neutral  Dissatisfied  Very Dissatisfied

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