In the remodeling industry, the relationship between the homeowner and contractor too often turns into an Us versus Themexperience. Particularly after the contract is signed and construction begins, a disconnect can develop between the home owner and the design team, who, up until this point has been by the client’s side for every step of the way. The client can feel abandoned, and that workers are cutting corners to cut costs. This causes pushback, which the contractor can perceive as the client trying to get “extra’s” for free. Tensions can arise quickly, and the experience can turn into a nightmare rather than a dream.


At Four Brothers, we go above and beyond to ensure that this does not happen. We treat our design and production staff as a team rather than two separate entities. In fact, we view the homeowner as part of this team as well. From the first consultation onwards, we understand that we are all working together to achieve the same end goal. This leads to a harmonious partnership for everyone involved. Company characteristics that help foster these relationships are:

  • As a job is passed from design to production, our carpenter who will be running the job meets with our designer and production manager for a thorough review before construction begins.
  • All of our lead carpenters have great communication skills. They understand the designs, and are articulate, responsive by phone and email, and available on a daily basis to answer questions from the homeowner.
  • Our designers meet regularly (at the construction site) with our lead carpenters and production manager to ensure that construction is in line with the project’s design.
  • During the course of every project, we email regular evaluation surveys to the homeowner. This allows them to grade our performance and make suggestions going forward.
  • Our design team is always available to answer questions from homeowners, and to meet on site as necessary.


This has lead to great working relationships with all of our clients! If you don’t believe us, feel free to check out the testimonials section of our website, which we update in real time: Our Testimonials page.



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