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Kate Donahue, RA

Team Leader & Architect

Kate has always enjoyed working with her hands – and learning by doing. She earned a degree in interior design and moved to Dallas to work for Habitat for Humanity, first as an AmeriCorps Service member and then as a full-time staff member in the construction department. She returned to school to pursue a Master of Architecture degree at the University of Maryland. Although she worked as an intern at Four Brothers, Kate took a job with a firm that focused on mixed-use residential and urban planning projects following graduation. She learned a great deal but is happy to back with us, taking on projects at a scale she loves. Kate’s at her best working closely with residential clients to create functional, buildable designs.


In her spare time, Kate likes to stay busy with hands-on projects, like knitting (she’s self-taught) or furniture upholstery (a skill she’s still learning). And Kate has been skydiving. Twice.

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